Great Event of the year of the faith:
Day for those Boys and Girls Confirmed during the Year of Faith

27/04/2013 - 28/04/2013 (Save to cal)

Vatican City -   (Vatican State)

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On Sunday, April 28, there will be a celebration for those boys and girls who had received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Father will Confirm a small group of young people as a testimony of the public profession of the faith in Confirmation and Baptism.
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Saturday, APRIL 27

In the morning from 9 to 12: St. Peter’s Square
Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Peter; The Profession of Faith.
The groups of children, divided into sections, will arrive at St. Peter’s Square, where they will be welcomed by the catechists. After a brief greeting and welcome, the catechist/volunteer will begin the pilgrimage with the group. Along the way, the catechist/volunteer will make numerous stops in order to explain to the children what they are seeing and to lead them in prayer. The route of the pilgrimage is as follows: St. Peter’s Square, Michelangelo’s Pietà, the Tomb of John Paul II, and the Tomb of Saint Peter where the Profession of Faith will be made. On exiting the Basilica, the children will be able to leave their prayer intentions, writing them on a large a large scroll, and will then receive a short passage from Sacred Scripture containing the words of St. Peter.

Sunday, APRIL 28

10:00 a.m., St. Peter’s Square
Closing Mass celebrated by the Holy Father.
During the Mass, a group of young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
2:00 to 3:30
Witness Festival.
The “Witness Festival” will close the Papal celebration of those Confirmed during the Year of Faith. The opening Pilgrimage and this closing Festival serve to both prepare for and give witness to the Eucharistic Celebration by the Holy Father, which is—and must remain always in the memories of the participants—the central moment of the event. The closing festival will be a lively and joyful “celebration of the faith”. It will include testimonies from those who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, testimonies from special guests (world figures in sports, entertainment, science, etc.), music, and a visual presentation.